Sunday, November 25, 2018

Actors and Telenovelas

From speaking with individuals in many different roles in the telenovela industry, I was able to gain valuable firsthand insight into the duties of these roles and how they related to the telenovela industry as a whole. Without the collaboration of the people in all of these roles, telenovelas would not be what we know and love today. I found it incredibly interesting to see their opinions and thoughts about the topics we discussed in class. Furthermore, it demonstrated to me that the themes we learned about in class are applicable to every aspect of the telenovela industry and that they may be applicable in different ways that we haven't considered before.

In our conversations in class, we spoke with actor Luis Geronimo Abreu. He spoke about the struggles he had as an actor such as moving with his family to cities where they didn't know anyone or having to deal with extreme conditions without complaint because many of the extras had paid their own way in order to be featured in the telenovela they were filming. Throughout much of my life, and the majority of this course, I thought that actors lived a glamorous work free life with little worry and little problems. However, this talk demonstrated to me that actors play an integral role in the telenovela industry that requires a lot of behind the scenes work that viewers don't normally see.

Their jobs require a lot more than simply showing up on set and delivering lines. They must wake up early and often times work 12 hour days in extreme weather conditions. An interesting difference between American television and telenovelas is that many of the extras in telenovelas pay their own way to be featured in the show. However, in American shows, the extras are paid for their time and would most likely not work without compensation. I think that this yields to the fact that telenovelas are a cultural phenomenon that many people would love to have any part in, no matter if it's compensated. While the producers try to make the actors comfortable, this can mean a tent with a sofa and some food. In my opinion, this highlights a key difference between the American television industry and those of Latin America. The American actors are often perceived as divas who demand the best if the best.

In the production of telenovelas, writers and producers are very much the foundation that allows the actors to be able to deliver their lines. They may be the face of the network or telenovela, but they cannot perform without the teams of people supporting them and creating a telenovela that viewers respond positively to. It is the work of all these people together that takes the telenovelas to the next level. Without the writers and producers, there would be no job for actors. Without the actors, telenovelas would not be the multigenerational cultural phenomenon that we know today. However, ultimately, it's up to the actors to bring the story to life. If the lines aren't delivered well or as they are intended to, it could take away from the quality of the telenovela and deter viewers from it.

Our conversations in class illuminated to me just how much goes into making a telenovela. That it consists of the hard work of many people, including the actors. Lastly, that the lives of actors are not as glamorous as I thought and that they too must work in less than ideal conditions.


  1. Hey Erin! I love your commentary on the actors' work in telenovelas and completely agree with so many of the points that you made. I could not believe how much work Luis mentioned that he put in for his telenovela that so many other actors put in as well. I doubt many American actors would put forth any effort in a production in which they would have to pay their own way. It was incredible to hear from Luis and see the cultural differences in producing telenovelas.

  2. Erin,
    Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con tu punto de que los actores y actrices no tienen los estilos de vida más atractivo. Puede ser muy difícil tener una vida en el centro de atención y sin un sistema de apoyo, ya sea amigos o familiares, la vida puede ser muy solitaria. Como vimos con Luis Geronimo Abreu, el estilo de vida no es del todo bueno, teniendo en cuenta que te mueves constantemente o tienes que manejar condiciones extremas. Se necesita un actor dedicado para soportar todos los ambientes cambiantes y una familia dedicada a mantenerse a su lado.

  3. Hey Erin,

    I really enjoyed reading up on your thoughts in regard to telenovela actors! Speaking with Luis Geronimo was definitely an eye-opener, because I hadn't thought of the lives of telenovela actors being so difficult. Of course, being an actor in general is never easy, but as you said, Luis had to move with his family to a country that they weren't accustomed to. This would be very different in the United States, considering soap operas would make the actor move states, not to an entirely different country.

    The way people in Latin America treat telenovelas is definitely a cultural phenomenon. The way these dramas can affect so many people proves that telenovelas are not only important to the media industry, but to the lives of millions.


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