Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Telenovelas Can Raise Awareness

In the last few weeks of class, we've thoroughly discussed the types of issues that have made their appearances in telenovelas. From sexual identity to race to gender and even politics, telenovelas have had the power to raise awareness and make a stance on universal issues.

Cosita Rica was brought to my attention and showed me how powerful a telenovela can be when addressing politics. The more we discussed and compared Cosita Rica to the issues happening in Venezuela, the more I realized the need for politics to be addressed in influential matters.

In Al Otro Lado del Muro, the political issues being addressed are the tensions between Mexico and the United States. To me, this is a necessary issue that needs to be talked about and addressed with everyone. We, as a county and a united people, can't continue to have tension with our neighboring countries. We can learn from one another and can be allies.

While I'm only in the beginning episodes, I know just how important the wall really is. President Trump's idea of a wall is greatly hated and greatly loved by thousands of Americans, but do people truly understand these issues? Are they digging deep to grasp the humanity of it all? I think this is what telenovelas can bring to the table. They can portray issues in a different manor than most other types of media. You invest yourself into this show and in turn, they introduce to you these important matters that need new perspectives. We can see different sides that we choose not to see in our everyday life.

Before being introduced to this topic and telenovelas, I never really realized how much I absorb through the types of media I consume. I learn indirectly through the TV I watch, the music I listen to, the news I read and so much more. I find telenovelas as the superhero of the world. They affect millions of people all over the world and shed light on new things that I know I wouldn't have otherwise been aware of. I'm beginning to see just how necessary the telenovela is when it comes to breaking stereotypes and raising awareness.

With Cosita Rica & Venezuela, I thought it was extremely powerful that despite both sides of the matter refused to watch opposing news, all citizens watched this telenovela. Whether they realized it or not, they were exposed to new sides that they wouldn't have seen otherwise. It's amazing how helpful that can be to a society who shuts out opposition of their own views. The media is a blessing for citizens to learn and listen and develop their own views, but can also be dangerous if it is only one-sided.

I believe that telenovelas have the power to introduce these issues universally to MILLIONS of people in a way that news otherwise could not. I know that I consider myself open-minded but have already been exposed to a whole new perspective on the tensions between Mexico and the United States through Al Otro Lado del Muro.

We need more than just the news, and our freedom is beautiful, but when you bring in a new form of entertainment that also addresses important matters, that's where change can begin to happen. Millions of people will begin to see different points of views. We can start to move forward socially and politically! We can even start understanding each other better because we are familiar with differences and starting to accept them.

Telenovelas have a true power, and I don't think that power is going anywhere.


  1. Adaire, I agree with this whole heartedly. My mind jumps right to Micaela that we have discussed in class a couple times. In the show she created so much awareness of autism, and created a movement of people supporting autism. Not only did the Telenovela raise awareness, but the actress as a person did so as well. This is a moment where a person in power, if used correctly, can use their voice for the betterment of society.

  2. I agree with your post so much, Adaire. Telenovelas do have a true power because they bring in a wide audience and are able to expose them to topics that need to be discussed. Even just to make an US comparison with shows like Saturday Night Live that attract an audience and expose them to political information in an interesting manner than surpasses just watching the news. Telenovelas and some other shows are more than just a form entertainment.


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